March 7, 2019

I’ve always known Aquaman as the lamest character. That is, till the Injustice video game made him pretty damn powerful.  His new revised character in the DC universe makes him very likable. His performance in Justice League was fun, which carried over to his solo film.  I actually thought this film was hilarious and entertaining. For not

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March 5, 2019

God yussss!

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March 3, 2019

Looks like they made the film everyone wanted. A little different than my theory from the previous film, it worked well in most areas.  In my opinion, I think they tried a little too hard to copy the legendary Rocky IV. Everything from the first loss to the redemption fight. Even the training montage in between was

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March 2, 2019

God damn I’m loving the Fantastic Beasts movies even more now after watching this one. Loved the first film, but this one felt a lot darker in tone.  Johnny Depp (Grindelwald) is such a chameleon in his roles. Dude can seriously play any character on earth.  The Flash errr…umm…Credence Barebone’s powers are so cool. Guy is just

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