Locke & Key Season 1

August 30, 2021

This was actually a pretty good fantasy type series that I only recently found out about. 


One of my buddies recommended it to me, saying that during the height of the pandemic, this was one of the few shows that stood out and he couldn't stop watching. 

Not sure if I agree that it had that same effect on me in terms of wanting to binge the entire show, but the cliffhangers between episodes did make me want to find out more. The whole magical keys are a cool concept and if I were a lot younger, I can see myself totally falling into this type of world. 

The story is a bit all over the place and there are a lot of things that simply don't make sense. However, I'm glad to find a season 2 was announced and starts streaming next month. Which means I didn't have to wait a year in-between to continue the storyline. 


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